Aiery Pest Control

Stinging Insect Control and Bee Removal

Take the Sting Out

Stinging insects like yellow jackets, wasps, bees, hornets and more send more than 500,000 people to the emergency room each year. These pests are aggressive in nature and often sting as a way to protect their colonies or larvae from people attempting to remedy an infestation on their own. This aggressiveness combined with their social nature often means that these pests attack in large numbers, stinging a victim repeatedly. This adds potential for greater skin irritation and a serious allergic reaction. Aiery Pest Control wasp or yellow jacket exterminator can provide the level of expertise needed for complete hornet, wasp and yellow jacket removal. When it comes to bees we always look for the best way to remove them and relocate to a area where they are away from your home or business.

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